Why Regularly Patching Your Network Is Critical

In a modern world ruled by technology, maintaining a secure and updated network is more important than ever. The threat of cyberattacks is continuously evolving, which makes it crucial for organizations to stay vigilant in protecting their networks.

So the next thing to ask yourself is, what is network patching, and how can it protect my business?

The Evolving Threat Landscape

Cyber attackers are always finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in networks, which makes it essential for businesses to stay updated with the latest security measures. These network vulnerabilities play a significant role in cyber threats, as any weaknesses or flaws in a network’s infrastructure—including software, firmware, and hardware—can be exploited by hackers.

A major example demonstrating the need for strong network security measures can be seen in the Colonial Pipeline hack in 2021. Attackers managed to steal and lock down essential data with ransomware, and demanded millions in payment to restore systems. This attack resulted in a shutdown of one of the largest pipelines in the US, and caused widespread panic and fuel shortages.

What Is Network Patching?

So what is network patching? Essentially, it involves updating or fixing vulnerabilities within a network’s infrastructure that hackers can exploit, thus improving network security. It can also address any performance issues or bugs that may be present in the system.

Network patching is accomplished by installing patches, which are typically software updates designed to address specific issues or bugs within a system. Patches can also include firmware updates for devices such as routers and switches, and hardware updates for physical components.

The Benefits of Regular Network Patching

Networks constantly undergo updates, which can create new vulnerabilities. As a result, patching is an ongoing process that demands regular attention, rather than a one-time event. But what is network patching really accomplishing for you? Regular patching offers several benefits that are crucial for security, including:

  • Enhanced Security Posture: By consistently addressing vulnerabilities and closing potential entry points for hackers, network patching significantly improves a company’s overall security posture. 
  • Protection Against Known Vulnerabilities: Patches are designed to fix specific vulnerabilities in a network, including those identified by manufacturers or cybersecurity experts. By regularly installing patches, organizations can stay ahead of potential attacks.
  • Prevention of Cyber Threats and Attacks: Patches not only address existing vulnerabilities but also help prevent future cyber threats and attacks from occurring. By keeping their networks up to date, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to hackers.
  • Improved System Performance and Stability: Some patches not only fix security issues but also improve system performance and stability. By regularly patching their networks, organizations can ensure that their systems are running efficiently and without any performance or stability issues.

The Consequences of Neglecting Network Patching

What good is network patching if ignored and outdated for too long? Failure to regularly patch a network can have severe consequences, including:

  • Increased Susceptibility to Cyber Threats: Without regular patching, networks remain vulnerable to cyberattacks. This makes it easier for hackers to gain unauthorized access, damage or corrupt systems, and disrupt operations.
  • Potential Data Breaches and their Consequences: Neglecting network patching can put organizations at risk of data breaches, and result in the loss of sensitive information. This not only damages a company’s reputation but also exposes them to potential legal consequences.
  • Impact on Business Reputation and Customer Trust: A data breach or cyberattack due to neglected network patching can significantly damage a company’s reputation and erode customer trust. This can result in lost business and financial repercussions.

How to Overcome Challenges in Network Patching

While the benefits of regular network patching are evident, organizations may face challenges in implementing this practice on their own. Some common challenges include balancing security needs with operational priorities and maintaining consistent updates across multiple devices and systems.

To overcome these challenges, it is essential to work with a trusted cybersecurity provider. A reliable network security partner can provide expert guidance, prioritize patching based on risks and business priorities, and ensure that all devices and systems are consistently updated.

Choose Threat Alliance for  Your Network Security Needs

At Threat Alliance, we specialize in providing comprehensive network security and cybersecurity services tailored to our clients’ specific needs. Our team of experts understands the evolving threat landscape and can help businesses stay ahead of potential attacks by regularly patching their networks. We’ll stay up to date on the latest threats and vulnerabilities so that you don’t have to.

We also offer a free consultation to assess your network’s current security posture and provide recommendations for improvement. So don’t wait—contact us today, and choose Threat Alliance as your trusted partner to see what network patching can do for your security.