Network Security

Protect Your Network, Secure Your Data, and Thrive

For those who don’t live and breathe network security, it can be a confusing concept.

At Threat Alliance, we want organizations and individuals to understand the tools and techniques that can help make your network more secure. After all, we can’t help out through our services if you don’t know about them!

What is Network Security, Exactly?

Network security is an umbrella term that describes everything that will help protect your network. Your network security involves software and hardware and can come in several forms, including:

  • Establishing an intrusion prevention system to cut down on data breaches
  • Establishing network access control
  • Using technology to manage network traffic
  • Setting up a remote-access VPN
  • Patching and application security measures
  • Creating and enforcing security policies
  • Monitoring network performance
  • Other network security measures

Types of Network Security

There are three types of network security: technical, physical, and administrative.

  • Technical network security has two purposes: blocking access from unauthorized users and protecting sensitive data from potential attackers within the organization. Behavioral analytics tools can be used to spot malicious activity or unusual traffic.
  • Physical network security allows authorized users to obtain access to physical network components (routers, cables, etc.) while keeping out potential threats to the networks’ security. This can come in the form of cages or locks to keep your computer system secure.
  • Administrative network security involves the organization’s ability to create defined rules that will ensure protection from external threats. Since hackers are increasingly targeting mobile devices, it’s a good idea to include do’s and don’ts for personal devices and email security, as well as internet use. By enlisting our services, you can get a better idea of what a cyber readiness plan should look like.

How Do Network Security Solutions Help My Computer Networks?

Access control for your networks (or NAC) allows you to deny access to data for lower-level employees as you grant full access to your administrators.

It can prevent an unauthorized device from entering the computer network as well. Antivirus software works to protect your systems from malicious software that can corrupt valuable data within your network.

Firewalls monitor network traffic and ensure that cyber threats are blocked from your network. A Virtual Private Network encrypts your data so no one can gain access to your location information.

Together, these elements make up network security.

Why Is an Effective Network Security Important?

Without all of the above elements in place, your home or business’ web security is vulnerable to attackers. The underlying networking infrastructure can be easily compromised.

In this digital age, network breaches are becoming more commonplace, and sensitive information is stolen or lost at alarming rates. If you don’t want to be the next victim of a data breach, you’ll need to come up with a data loss prevention plan.

For starters, Threat Alliance also offers Cyber Readiness consultations for home network security.

If your business needs cybersecurity solutions, then contact us and a risk advisor will be in touch to determine the best approach.

Robust Network Security Solutions Tailored to You

Protect your network and block attacks by malicious users.

At Threat Alliance, we’ve got intrusion prevention systems and other digital tools to protect you from attacks. We believe in digital innovation, so we keep up with the latest trends in network security to stay one step ahead of any potential attack.

Want to make your organization’s network a more secure place? Contact Threat Alliance today!