How Malware Affects Computer Performance and Remediation Strategies 

The number of malware is increasing every day due to the emergence of advanced technologies and their easy accessibility to hacking groups and individuals worldwide. According to AV-Atlas, it has detected 41,363,465 malware infections from January 1 to April 30, 2024.  At the time of writing this piece, the total malware since 1984 is 1,382, 713,571. 

These numbers sure sound daunting! But what do they mean to you and how can you protect yourself? Read on to know how you can boost your computer performance. 

What is Malware? 

Before we jump into the impact of your computer performance, let’s take a step back to understand what malware is in the first place. 

Malware, or malicious software, is a software program designed to affect computers, extract confidential information, or any other activity that disrupts your work and interferes with your security and privacy. It can also slow down systems, cause crashes, and even put personal data at risk.  

Next, let’s understand how malware impacts your computer. 

Impact of Malware on Computer Performance 

Malware can significantly slow down your computer performance and impact you in the following ways. 

Use Resources Excessively  

Malware can use high levels of your computer’s processing power and memory, leaving little for legitimate applications. This can lead to system lag and unresponsiveness. As a result, you may experience sluggish performance, slower application load times, and even unresponsive programs. 

Run Background Processes 

Some malware runs in the background, using your system’s resources without your knowledge. This can lead to slower boot times and overall reduced performance. You may notice strange processes running in your task manager, causing your computer to work harder than it should. 

Network Congestion 

Malware that uses your computer to spread across networks can cause congestion, affecting your internet speed and the performance of other devices on your network. This may result in slow download speeds, interrupted video calls, and trouble connecting to online services. 

Corrupted Files 

Certain types of malware can corrupt system files or software, causing errors and slowdowns. In turn, corrupted files can lead to data loss, application crashes, and issues with your operating system’s functionality. 

Note that the exact impact may depend on the malware type, and this is why we look at some prevalent malware variations that are known to impact system performance. 

Common Types of Malware That Affect System Performance 

Here are the common types of malware that can affect your computer performance and speed. 


Viruses are some of the most prevalent malware that attach themselves to files and programs, causing damage and using system resources. Viruses can spread quickly and lead to various problems, including data loss and unexpected system behavior. 


This type of malware bombards you with ads, consuming resources and affecting your experience. Adware may cause unwanted pop-up ads, and browser redirections, and slow down your browsing experience. 


Spyware is a class of malware that secretly monitors your activities and can use up system resources. It may track your keystrokes, steal your data, and invade your privacy without your knowledge. 


Trojans disguise themselves as legitimate programs and can cause various issues, including performance degradation. They may open back doors for other malware, leading to further security risks.  


Deemed as one of the most dangerous types of malware, ransomware encrypts your data and can severely slow down your system while demanding a ransom for decryption. It can lock you out of your files and disrupt your entire system’s functionality. 

Thus, these are the broad categories of malware and as you can see, they can wreak your device and steal your data.  To avoid this impact, you must continuously scan your device for malware and remove it. 

Detecting and Removing Malware 

Detecting and removing malware from your system can help restore optimal computer performance. Here are some steps you can take: 

#1: Use Security Software 

Install reputable antivirus and anti-malware software to scan your system regularly. This software can detect and remove known malware, offering real-time protection against new threats. 

#2: Monitor Performance 

Keep an eye on system performance, like your CPU and memory usage, to spot unusual behavior. Sudden spikes in usage can indicate the presence of malware. Tools like Task Manager or Activity Monitor can help you identify such suspicious processes. 

#3: Check for Suspicious Programs 

Besides processes, check if there are any suspicious programs installed on your device without your knowledge. Malware may hide as seemingly harmless applications, so be vigilant about any software you do not recognize. Ideally, check the publisher and if unrecognized, uninstall them right away.  

#4: Update Software 

Keep your operating system and software up to date to minimize vulnerabilities. Outdated software can be an easy target for malware, so regular updates are essential for protection. 

#5: Restore from Backup 

If malware has damaged your system, you can restore your files and system from a clean backup. Back up your data regularly, so you can recover from an infection without losing important files. 

While the above methods are effective in removing malware, there will undoubtedly be some negative impacts like a device crash or data loss. To avoid such ramifications, consider using proactive measures to prevent this malware from entering your device in the first place. 

Proactive Cybersecurity Measures 

Below are some proactive measures you can take to prevent future malware infections. 

#1: Avoid Suspicious Links and Attachments 

Email attachments and downloads are the most likely vehicle for malware to enter your system. Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. More importantly, open emails only if they are from a verified sender before engaging with the content. 

#2: Use Strong Passwords 

Make it a habit to create strong and unique passwords for your accounts to prevent unauthorized access. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. 

#3: Enable Firewalls 

 A firewall can block unauthorized connections to your system, providing an additional layer of protection. Keep your firewall enabled continuously to monitor and control incoming and outgoing traffic. 

#4: Regular Backups 

Regularly back up your data to protect it from loss due to malware. Store backups in a secure location, like an external drive or cloud storage, to ensure you can recover your data if your system is compromised. 

#5: Educate Yourself 

Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. Knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your system, so stay updated on new types of malware and ways to avoid them. 

Thus, these are some ways to proactively protect yourself against malware. 

Wrapping Up 

In conclusion, malware poses a serious threat to your computer performance and your data’s security. To protect yourself from their impact, start by understanding the different types of malware and their impact on your system. Accordingly, you can take remedial actions if impacted. Moreover, take proactive steps to protect your devices.   

For more in-depth information and resources to help you safeguard your systems, visit, a leading cybersecurity consulting company. Explore their expertise in cybersecurity to learn how to protect your data and improve your computer’s performance. Their team of experts can also help you if your device is infected by any malware. 

Stay safe online and keep your devices secure.